At least once per semester, we always have a big presentation, and this time we had to do a research project, using data and stuff (I'll show a power point when I actually present). Anywhoodles, please enjoy this video, whether you chose to giggle at my gaijin-pronunciation of Japanese or chose to believe I sound really smart if my pronunciation doesn't make a difference.
EDIT: hahaha 私はもうこのビデオを見て、色々な間違えが見つけられます。しがつの代わりに、よんがつと言ったこととか XD そのうえ、英語で5月、6月を書きました。私はばかですね :P 私の日本語の能力が減ることの証明ですね。
And if you have any questions, please ask!
One thing, is that a few of my Japanese friends asked me what I mean by not learning anything in English can ask any American, and they will tell you that in our schools, English class consists of reading literature and writing essays, but our foundation of English grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and general understanding of why we say what we do is really really awful. In elementary school and middle school we spend so much time preparing for standardized tests, they don't teach us the most fundamental aspects, what is supposed to be 基本.
Also, if you do not know, the SAT and the ACT are tests you take during high school to get into college, the better your score, the better college you can enter.
And at the part in the video where I speak English, I realize I used a lot of idiomatic wing something, like a project, speech, etc, means to make it up as you are writing, no planing before. :P
For now, that's all I can really think of, but like I said, 質問があったら、絶対に聞いてください, I'm happy to answer any questions.
Very soon I shall have another post! (Whether or not you find it interesting, that's an entirely different story XD)
Location: On my bed in my dorm
Mood: Tired...too much work to do! (´□`川)
Listening to: Sunshine - Monkey Majik... you know you liked that song XD
Japanese for the day: Listen to the video again and listen for some of these vocab words!
無意味 むいみ muimi - pointless, meaningless
実は じつは jitsu wa - actually, in reality
意外 いがい igai - unexpected, surprising
有名 ゆうめい yuumei - famous, well-known. cf. meisho - place of interest, meibutsu - things of interest eg. Shiga-ken no meisho wa nan desu ka? Meisho wa Biwako desu. - What is Shiga prefecture's place of interest? As for places of interest, it is Lake Biwa.